Why Booking Podcast Ads for Black Friday is a No-Brainer

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Ah, Black Friday. That time of year when everyone’s either queuing up for bargains or furiously scrolling through sales online. But let’s be honest, for businesses, it’s not just a day—it’s a whole season of prepping, planning, and trying to catch the wave of consumer madness. If you’re a brand and you’re not making the most of it, you’re missing out. And one of the smartest moves you can make is to book podcast advertising to get in on the action.

Here’s why:

1. Podcasts Are Where People Are Listening

Podcasts are massive right now. Whether it’s true crime, business hacks, or comedy banter, people are tuning in while they commute, work, or do their daily chores. This isn’t just background noise. Podcast listeners are engaged. They trust their favourite hosts, and when those hosts give a shout-out to your brand during Black Friday, you’re tapping into a golden level of credibility.

In short, people listen, people believe, and people buy.

2. Targeting Done Right

With podcast advertising, you’re not just shouting into the void. You can reach niche audiences based on their interests. Have a vegan skincare brand? There’s a podcast for that. Selling tech gadgets? There’s a podcast for that too. You’re getting right in front of people who are more likely to care about what you’re selling, especially during a sale like Black Friday when their wallets are already itching for a good deal.

3. Host-Read Ads = Personal Connection

The beauty of podcast ads is that they don’t feel like ads. They feel like a recommendation from a mate. And let’s be honest, when your favourite podcast host—someone you trust and tune in to week after week—says, “This brand is worth checking out, especially with their Black Friday sale,” it hits differently. It’s more personal and more effective than a random banner ad popping up in your feed.

People trust people. And podcast hosts are often the closest thing listeners have to a trusted mate.

4. Black Friday Is Competitive—Stand Out with Audio

On Black Friday, everyone is sending out email blasts, running Facebook ads, and trying to get on your Instagram feed. It’s noise—so much noise. But podcast ads? They cut through all that clutter. While other brands are competing in the same old marketing spaces, your brand can stand out in the audio world, reaching people when they’re not drowning in a million other ads.

5. Listeners Are Ready to Spend

We all know that podcast listeners are generally a higher-income crowd. They tend to be more educated and more likely to have disposable income. And guess what? Black Friday is all about spending that disposable income. When you align your Black Friday deals with a well-placed podcast ad, you’re targeting an audience that’s already primed to open their wallets. You’ve got the perfect storm of audience and timing.

6. Affordable & Flexible

Compared to other forms of advertising, podcast ads can be relatively affordable. Plus, they offer a lot of flexibility. You can start with small, targeted shows and work your way up, or go all-in with a larger podcast that’s more established. No matter your budget, there’s likely a podcast advertising option that works for you.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Sleep on Podcast Advertising

Look, we all know Black Friday is hectic. But that doesn’t mean your marketing efforts have to be. Podcast advertising offers a unique, effective way to get in front of an engaged audience right when they’re ready to spend. If you’re not booking your podcast ads for Black Friday yet, now’s the time.

It’s like having a chat with your audience right before they hit the shops—and that’s a golden opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Get your podcast ads sorted, and let the sales roll in. Book a meeting with Audiomy today.

About Audiomy

At Audiomy, we are a fully independent, podcast media agency with access to the entire German and DACH podcast advertising market. Our approach to building your strategy and identifying podcasts puts your needs at the heart of the solution.

We are podcast advertising experts…..working with a client list of over 100 brands to produce their advertising campaigns and deliver an incredible 40M audio impressions.

We work with you from briefing to strategy, delivery and campaign reporting. Making it easier for you to benefit from the power of podcasting.

Book a meeting with Audiomy today to understand how advertising in German podcasts can meet your needs.