Understanding podcast listeners

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Active, diverse, affluent: Why podcast listeners are an important target group for advertisers.

 In recent years, podcasts have experienced a real boom. More and more people are discovering the joy of listening and immersing themselves in the world of podcasts. In Germany, 45% of the population consumes this medium at least once a week, 14% percent even for five or more hours. But what makes podcast listeners such an attractive target group for advertisers? In this blog post, we’ll shed light on just that and explain why companies shouldn’t ignore this growing listenership.

Podcast listeners are extremely engaged listeners. Unlike other forms of media, where attention can quickly wander, podcast listeners consciously dedicate themselves to what they hear. They actively listen to the content and therefore are particularly receptive to advertising messages. For example, 20% of users like to listen to podcasts while they wait and for 26% of Germans, the most important motivation is the desire to grow professionally or personally. Because the listener chooses to listen to content on-demand, they absorb themselves into the story or information. This high level of engagement allows advertisers to effectively convey their message and create a lasting impact.

Podcasts cover just about every topic imaginable, from sports to technology to art and culture. As a result, they attract listeners who have specific interests and are specifically looking for content that matches their preferences. The most popular podcast genres in Germany are technology (23%), children & family (20%) and with TV & Film (19%). For advertisers, this is a unique way to reach their audience exactly where they are. By targeting ads in themed podcasts, businesses can ensure that their messages are heard by the right people in an engaged environment.

Podcast listeners often feel a connection with the podcasters they listen to regularly. This connection is based on trust and authenticity. When a podcaster recommends a product or service, it is perceived by listeners as a personal recommendation. 59% of respondents say podcast advertising helps them make purchasing decisions. Advertisers can therefore use podcasts to authentically bring their product to the desired target group and to link it to positive experiences through the personal recommendations of the hosts.

Although listener demographics can vary greatly depending on the podcast, Podstars OMR‘s 2023 podcast survey found that 63% of listeners have an academic degree. Of course, this also has an impact on purchasing power as 49% of the podcast users have a net household income of over EUR 3,000 per month. 75% of respondents also said they had become aware of new brands through ad placements on podcasts. Podcast advertising is therefore a proven effective advertising medium through which extremely relevant target groups can be addressed. We will be happy to advise you on the campaign concept and podcast selection.

About Audiomy

At Audiomy, we are a fully independent, podcast media agency with access to the entire German and DACH podcast advertising market. Our approach to building your strategy and identifying podcasts puts your needs at the heart of the solution.

We are podcast advertising experts…..working with a client list of over 100 brands to produce their advertising campaigns and deliver an incredible 40M audio impressions.

We work with you from briefing to strategy, delivery and campaign reporting. Making it easier for you to benefit from the power of podcasting.

Book a meeting with Audiomy today to understand how advertising in German podcasts can meet your needs.

For more information on podcast advertising see: