Podcast Advertising in Germany: Christmas in September?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

As the festive season approaches in Germany and the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), the importance of tailored, emotionally resonant advertising becomes more pronounced. Christmas advertising holds a unique cultural significance, often sparking nostalgia, generosity, and connection. Podcasts have a deep personal connection with the listener and offer the perfect place for brands to tailor their advertising at this sensitive time. 

Podcasts are popular across the entire DACH region, especially around Christmas. Listeners often tune in during intimate moments—whether while wrapping presents, commuting, or preparing holiday meals. This personal connection offers advertisers a unique opportunity to reach engaged, receptive audiences with holiday messages that align with the festive spirit.

Why Podcast Advertising Works During Christmas

  1. Reaching Audiences in Intimate Moments: Podcasts are part of people’s daily routines, making them an ideal platform for Christmas advertising. With users often seeking comfort, inspiration, or entertainment during the holidays, they are particularly receptive to festive ads that tie into their personal experiences. As shown by Spotify, podcasts and audio content capture listener attention during key holiday moments, including cooking and family gatherings, creating a direct pathway for brands to speak to their audiences during times of connection and relaxation.
  2. Early Engagement with the Holiday Spirit: According to Spotify’s insights, holiday-themed content on platforms like Spotify sees a surge as early as September, giving brands ample time to start connecting with their target audiences before the holiday rush. This extended festive period allows advertisers to deliver well-timed ads, helping them stand out before the market becomes crowded​ (Spotify).
  3. Tapping into Nostalgia: Christmas in Germany is steeped in tradition and nostalgia, a sentiment often mirrored in podcast content. Advertisers can capitalise on this by aligning their messaging with themes of reminiscence and joy that resonate deeply with listeners. Whether through storytelling or aligning their brand with beloved holiday memories, brands can foster an emotional connection that boosts consumer engagement.
  4. High Engagement Rates: Spotify reports that 93% of users engage directly with podcast content, making it an ideal platform for advertisers looking to create memorable, festive ads. Given that many users in the DACH region turn to podcasts during personal moments, the immersion with podcast content ensures that well-crafted Christmas ads are not only heard but internalised by audiences.

Christmas in the DACH Region: A Perfect Match for Podcast Ads

The German market, in particular, is known for its emotionally charged Christmas campaigns. For example, ads such as from supermarket chain Edeka or Kaufland have focused on warmth, family, and the joy of giving, striking a chord with audiences who value these sentiments during the holiday season​. What all of these ads share in common is use of emotive, powerful audio and music. By integrating these themes into podcast ads, brands can create powerful narratives that resonate with local customs and values in a truly connected and engaged audio space.


One that caused controversy at the time!



Kaufland 2022


In the DACH region, where Christmas is cherished, podcasts provide a potent platform for brands to deliver festive messages that evoke emotion and encourage action. With early engagement, intimate connections, and high audience receptiveness, podcast advertising should be a key component of any holiday marketing strategy. Brands that tap into this channel can create personal, memorable connections with their audiences, ensuring their message is heard amidst the festive buzz.

If you are interested in an effective Christmas campaign in the podcast segment, we recommend planning it early so that you can start the Christmas season well prepared. Those who buy their gifts early have more fun and success in choosing. This guiding principle can easily be transferred to podcast ads.

Plan ahead now with Audiomy and book your podcast advertising media for the festive period!

About Audiomy

At Audiomy, we are a fully independent, podcast media agency with access to the entire German and DACH podcast advertising market. Our approach to building your strategy and identifying podcasts puts your needs at the heart of the solution.

We are podcast advertising experts…..working with a client list of over 100 brands to produce their advertising campaigns and deliver an incredible 40M audio impressions.

We work with you from briefing to strategy, delivery and campaign reporting. Making it easier for you to benefit from the power of podcasting.

Book a meeting with Audiomy today to understand how advertising in German podcasts over Christmas this year can meet your needs.