German podcast listeners

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Podcasts have become an integral part of the media landscape in Germany in recent years and are now an everyday essential for many people. There are several reasons why podcasts have become so popular. But let’s first take a look at what usage looks like in 2024.

In some cases, the intensity of use is very high, with 21% listening to podcasts every day. The majority of respondents say they listen several times a week, 32% to be precise. And a total of 82% use this medium at least once a month. Compared to data from 2022, this is an increase of 11%. The duration of use is also trending upwards.

The focus is on entertainment

The first reason for the constant popularity of podcasts is their diversity. Podcasts offer a wide variety of topics and formats, allowing listeners to find content that matches their interests and preferences. From entertainment and education to news and interviews – there is something to suit every podcast listener.

Three quarters of all German podcast listeners are looking for entertainment when they use the medium. However, the need for relaxation (for 62%) is also satisfied by podcasts and news consumption (for 56%) is still an important motive for listening to podcasts. This is also reflected in the popularity of the individual genres. Comedy formats are in first place with 43%, closely followed by knowledge and true crime with 42% each and politics & news with 41%.

Podcasts and social media work together

Secondly, podcasts are extremely flexible and can be listened to anytime and anywhere. Whether playing sports, in the car, cooking or simply at home, podcasts allow listeners to consume their favourite content on their own schedule. This also means that podcasts can be combined well with social media. In addition to recommendations from people in their personal environment, social media is often a factor in choosing which formats to listen to.. 53% of respondents state that they become aware of new podcasts on social media channels. YouTube and Instagram are the most important platforms. Podcast audiences also follow podcast hosts on their social media channels, increasing both the duration of media consumption and interaction. This leads to a stronger connection with the podcast hosts.

Podcast advertising works

Thirdly, podcasts offer a personal and authentic experience, as the hosts often build a close relationship with their listeners. This creates trust and credibility, which is particularly attractive for advertisers. 78% of podcast listeners stated in 2024 that they trust the statements made by podcast hosts. Among other things, this means that 61% of podcast listeners have already become aware of a brand they were previously unaware of via podcasts. The majority, 76%, also think it is good that products and companies are advertised in their favourite podcast. Acceptance of podcast advertising is therefore still very high. Host-read ads receive the greatest approval. Activation through podcast advertising is also hard to beat compared to other media. 32% of respondents have bought a product after hearing an advertisement in a podcast.

Overall, podcasts have become an integral part of the German and DACH media landscape, as they offer a unique opportunity to consume content that is informative, entertaining and inspiring. With the ever-growing popularity of podcasts, it is clear that they will continue to play an important role in the future for podcast listeners and advertisers alike. Current research shows that trust in the hosts and likelihood to purchase following hearing a podcast advertisement demonstrates that podcast advertising is essential for brands and should be included in the marketing mix. You can find more information on this in the blog article Why podcast advertising should be part of your media mix.

About Audiomy

At Audiomy, we are a fully independent, podcast media agency with access to the entire German and DACH podcast advertising market. Our approach to building your strategy and identifying podcasts puts your needs at the heart of the solution.

We are podcast advertising experts…..working with a client list of over 100 brands to produce their advertising campaigns and deliver an incredible 40M audio impressions.

We work with you from briefing to strategy, delivery and campaign reporting. Making it easier for you to benefit from the power of podcasting.

Book a meeting with Audiomy today to understand how advertising in German podcasts can meet your needs.